



I have a new and hopefully improved blog over at www.sophieblxck.blogspot.com
It would be great if you could take a look! 

Sophie xx
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Honestly, I hate the gym


Honestly, I hate the gym

I was updating my CV the other day and in my hobbies and interests section I have actually stated that I 'regularly work out`. Haha, what absolute bullshit.
I get about as much joy from a trip to the gym as I would a trip to the dump. Its hell in a confined, sweaty, over competitive, hot space full of people in tight pants.

If I were famous I'd get papped in my trackies walking out McDonald's clutching a chicken mayo burger with large fries. Probably end up in heats circle of shame. That was once a thing. Not the circle of shame, me walking out McDonald's in my gym gear. Just once I swear. 
Working out makes you hungry. Duh.
Thankfully I'm not famous, just honest and honestly, I hate the gym.

- Just getting there requires too much energy, if I'm too lazy to get a bus them really there's no chance of a workout is there.  

- No matter how hard I try I can't ever quite get the sports chic look right. Primark Gym leggings do give you camel toe, just saying.

- It doesn't make me feel good, it makes me feel terrible. Endorphin's, yeah I don't have them.

- I can never work the bloody machines, the cross trainer will be the death of me I swear. I've had to ask for help more times than I care to remember. Once to a rather dashing young man *mortifying*

- I have an immense fear of being thrown off the running machine backwards. They say the chances are slim, I say otherwise. All it takes a hot guy to walk past and I'm gone.

- And please, why cover the walls in mirrors, seeing myself working out is not motivational it's quite frankly hideous. Who looks good squatting. Not me. 

- Guys judge you. girls judge you.  I feel judged before I've even done anything. God knows what they think after seeing me prancing about for 20 minutes on the treadmill.

- Weights are a no go, too much testosterone for that one.

- Why am I the only person to ever work out sans makeup.

- "I'm paying money for this and I'm hating every second of it. what a bloody waste of my life"

- People watch you work out and it creeps me out. I admit I do this myself but at least I make it subtle. Umm do you mind.

- I never remember to drink water, running and unscrewing a bottle lid is quite tricky to be fair. Results in me being a dehydrated, sweaty mess. 

Pilates is the one for me. 
At least I can breathe. 
And I get a mat. 
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The New Look Bag You Need In Your Life


The New Look Bag You Need In Your Life

How god damn cute is this bag, I just wanna scoop it up in my arms and never let go.
I found this this beauty in New Look for just £9.99 and it was so perfect I just had to take it home. 

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New Specs


New Specs

It's no secret amongst everyone I know that I hate my glasses, hate being nowhere near strong enough to actually describe how I feel towards them, even the optician said they had outgrown my face. I don't really think that's a thing so I'm guessing she just means they never suited my ridiculously large square face in the first place.

I hadn't been for a check up in 2 years so was very much due a new one and was secretly sitting with crossed fingers hoping that she would tell me I needed an updated pair, two years on I feel I have a slightly better idea of what looks good and what doesn't.

Well I was in luck, never have I been so grateful for the deteriorating vision in my left eye.

So I was then faced with the impossible task of choosing which pair I wanted, no word of a lie it took me over an hour. I wasn't looking to spend much at all, I even said I want to spend as little as possible so she took me straight to the own brand section which was actually filled with some really lovely frames. I settled on these £79 frames which are much bigger and more profound than my previous pair but I am in love. Ive not even looked at my contacts since receiving these and that really is saying something. 

FYI: I went to Vision Express after previously going to Specsavers and I much prefer the VE own brand range, also if you register online you can receive a half price eye test and 10% off your new glasses, so very worth doing.
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Thought Provoking Things I've Read On The Internet This Week


Thought Provoking Things I've Read On The Internet This Week

Because the internet is full of wonderful things and I love it.

1) 'Shvrk is an App that lets your partner know when you're on your period'

Yes you did read that correctly, so a female graduate has come up with the extraordinary idea that a male needs an app to warn him when his partner is about to start their period.. for what reason, so he can run a mile and throw chocolate in her direction.. Honestly, why can't we use our mouths and actually speak to our partners.

2)  'Lives of the untouchable luxury kids'

I love Instagram as much as the next person, but a new account used solely to look down on those who aren't able to clean their shoe with a spare £50 note they have stuffed away under the sofa is really rather infuriating. The account is apparently a place for London's richest kids to post pictures of their Louboutins, fair enough, just don't look down upon us 'peasants' who actually get a thrill out of shopping at Primark.

3)  'Why Is Sexual Harassment Not Illegal In The UK?'

I'm ashamed to admit it's never really something I have given much thought to, it almost seems inevitable that at least one guy will stare at your bum as you walk past or tell you to 'cheer up love' but we all seem to just tut and accept it. This article was spot on, why do we put up with it, women elsewhere don't have to, seriously got me thinking.

4) 'My Relationship with Exercise'

Undoubtedly one of my fave bloggers, Hannah Gale just speaks so much sense I swear when I read her posts I just sit there nodding in agreement whilst laughing out loud at just how similar us girls really are, we may all have boobs and like eating chocolate but it goes way deeper than that and her insight into how she feels about exercise really hit and nerve with me and it just may do with you too.

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